Friday, May 13, 2005

Evening storm


  1. Yeah, wow is right! That's amazing! I've tried and tried to get a decent lightning shot and haven't succeeded yet! This is gorgeous--the colors, the strange blurriness of the trees and house... Beautiful shot!

  2. my god this is a fantastic shot!!! how did you capture it?

  3. Thanks, Criosdan! The storm was coming from the southwest, and it was quite violent, so there was lightning every couple of seconds. The Canon A95 has a continuous shot mode which can capture a frame every two seconds. I just kept shooting about a hundred shots, and among them were two shots that had caught a bolt of lightning. After about 100 shots, however, the storm got so wild (lawn furniture blowing around), that I decided to retreat inside!

  4. Lara, the color of the sky surprised me in this picture. It was actually fairly dark out when I shot this --I hadn't realized what a pretty color the sky turns, for the split second during a lightning strike. I can't believe this was easier to catch than the rabbit who lives out back -- all I've managed to get of him is one set of blurry bunny ears sticking out of the tall grass.

  5. Gotta like this lightning shot. Its interesting that the moment of lightning changes the entire coloration of the sky.

    My wife grew up not far from there...
