
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tonight's Wild Storm. I took 82 shots to get this one. Lightning was striking everywhere (except where I was pointing the camera usually). Several tornadoes were reported in the area.


Adventuring through Florida's WILD life! said...

OK, I'm totally in awe. I want to do this so bad, but can't.

Jennifer Swanepoel said...

That's a once-in-a-lifetime shot! This should be hanging on your wall!

Judy Birmingham said...

This isn't as hard to do as I originally thought, provided your camera has a setting to take photos automatically, one right after another. My Canon A95 does this (it's on the function menu, Drive Mode selection, where it allows you to select a timer delay, or rapid-fire shots.) I turned off the flash, and selected H-mode, which doesn't show you the shots as you take them. Then I just point it to the Southwestern sky, where most of our storms come from, and I generally catch about 1 lightning strike every hundred shots.) I'm not sure how to deal with focus, exposure, etc. since there's nothing to focus on when I'm composing the shot. Tonight I tried it with fireflies, but don't think I got anything -- I don't think they are bright enough. Oh well...

Anonymous said...

Fine shot!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! A nice shot indeed. I've never tried to do lightning shots, but if I do, I'll try that tip you mentioned in the comments.

jessvancity said...

jaw-dropping! this one adds definition to the term "capturing the moment". congrats!

jkirlin said...

If you don't have a manual exposure you can just set the camera to landscape mode which throws it to infinity and zoom all the way out. Then for the aperture and timing set the f stop to the highest (or lowest) On my Canon and Kodak that f8, then set the shutter speed for as long as possible. I haven't tried this yet with the interval setting yet but am just waitng for the next storm. Although I have to tell you, you can't really get a shot better than this one. Nice work.