
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Wild geese fly south, watercolor by Judy Birmingham

the wild geese splash down 
and will stay here this winter
while others fly south

-- jmb


Sunday, October 08, 2023


Amber snail on a cattail reed

amber garden snail
slowly builds her spiraled shell
slow art, a refuge

Saturday, October 07, 2023

birds are oddly still
cold winds sweep across the pond
suddenly it's Fall

Monday, September 25, 2023

Canadian geese on the pond

June's goslings are grown
they drift on the pond and wait
for signs to fly south

-- jmb

Thursday, September 07, 2023

rain spatters treetops
frogs below whirr, croak, and cheep
birds chatter in nests

Sunday, July 23, 2023


Leaf: stencilled in gold tempera on black mi-tienetes paper

first golden leaf
whispers that fall is coming
with its red splendor


Friday, June 30, 2023

I see just one bird...

I see just one bird
but a dozen hidden birds
sing all around me


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Heron: Sumi-e on rice paper

the great blue heron stands
motionless at water's edge
fish stay deep and safe


Thursday, June 01, 2023

 Submerged log: pen, ink, colored pencil on multimedia paper

so effortlessly
do the green leaves float and bob
around submerged logs


Bee: Ink on rice paper, stencilled

two bumblebees hum,
and drift among phlox blossoms
gathering nectar


Rabbit: sumi-e on rice paper

quiet morning walk
startled rabbit startles me
both wide-eyed, trembling


Friday, May 26, 2023

maple seeds twirl down

maple seeds twirl down
softly landing on fresh earth
spring’s new life begins


Saturday, April 08, 2023

Ominous Day: graphite, ink on Multimedia Paper

ominous shadow
sweeps along the ground
unseen hawk hunts above



Saturday, April 01, 2023


under the tree bark

larvae write curled messages

in their ancient script

-- jmb

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Cloudy day with rain
A solitary wren cheeps
twice, then is silent


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

chickadees chatter
spring breezes tickle tree buds
nature is laughing


Monday, February 20, 2023

Ice-coated spruce branch: watercolor pencil on multimedia paper

ice coats spruce branches
magnifying tiny buds
life hidden within


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

golden woodland stream
gurgling over submerged rocks
happy stone music




cold spring melt water
reflections, sparkles, shadows
move unimpeded


tree with many holes
fine dining for woodpeckers
but fatal for bugs



spring winds whipping pines,
agitated branches flail 
up, down, round and round

scudding clouds in spring
the sun playing hide and seek
while the wind roars



the sun emerges
shadows appear, green moss glows
sun hides, all things fade



bright sun peeps, in, out
our shadows come and go
we are, we are not


grape vine strangled oak
leaning over the ravine
deep roots cling to life



up and out early
soft pine needles under foot
crows laughing, springtime


Saturday, January 28, 2023


insect apartments
warmed by the sun
woodpeckers come to feast


deer trail through the woods
narrow track from hill to stream
far away crows caw


snow begins to fall
a quiet start to the day
new moon beginnings


Friday, January 20, 2023

Blue Jays: Ink, Colored pencil on Multimedia Paper

raucus winter jays
left and right, squawking, shouting
like loud teenage boys 



blades of winter grass
so dessicated they float
on unfelt breezes
