Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Falling Rain. It's been teeming down rain for days now. Did the National Weather Service lose track of Wilma? I think it's here, instead of heading off across the Atlantic to drench the UK. This was inspired by Ian who keeps finding interesting things to photograph even in torrential downpours. This is ... what is this bush... Fire bush? Patty, help!


  1. Another beautiful shot, the colors are wonderful. I love the closeup shots, seeing the veins in the leaves and water drops. Missed your pics the last few days, spoiled to see what new beauty you have come up with daily. Thanks for sharing

  2. Did you shot this in the same place as Ian (Morven)? :-) Love the big water droplet.

  3. No idea what the bush is, but it sure has stunning red leaves.

  4. Intense, vivid, saturated, flaming red! Wow!

  5. It's a Burning Bush (sometimes called a Dwarf Burning Bush). Great water drops and color!

  6. Love the red and the raindrops - looks similar to one I posted this week.

  7. Yes, burning bush -- that's the name I remember! Ian, your photo was what inspired me to take this one. My efforts to document seasonal change in Ohio would have been sadly lacking had I missed this shot.
