Saturday, July 14, 2007

 Mullein, Native Ohio Wildflower
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  1. Hi Judy,
    I love these wildflower photos and the daisy is simply lovely. Always so many beautiful blooms to enjoy in the summer.
    I'm sure there's a story behind those canes.
    We're having a busy summer. How about you?
    I'm looking forward to slowing of these days!

  2. Hi Judy!

    Long time no see! That is what I get for using Bloglines to monitor folks' activity. I had a question for you, so checked your profile for an e-mail address, and look what I found - a new blog! I will definitely take the time to peruse the posts, but already I have discovered a lot about you, reading your resume etc. The new blog looks good!

    Oh yeah, a question for you - I am looking for a photo editor, and notice you have used picasa - what do you think?

    Hope you are having a good summer, try to stay cool!

