Thursday, August 09, 2007


A Mug of Your Own in Leetonia. For any of you who have read the charming Mitford novels by Jan Karon, I think I may have discovered Ohio's own version of the fictional town of Mitford: It's Leetonia, just south of Salem, Ohio, and probably no bigger than Mitford. On Tuesday, my friend Char and I ventured off to sample some Cornish Pasties at a tearoom named British Pastries in Leetonia. As we sat there enjoying our pots of tea, meaty pasties, and the tenderest raspberry tarts imaginable, we noticed a table packed with coffee mugs. As it turns out, British Pastries, is a crowded place on weekday mornings. A good number of the local Leetonians show up for breakfast, so often in fact, that they just keep their coffee mugs at the restaurant. The large red one belongs to the Lutheran pastor, if I remember right. For any British visitors to my site: Author Jan Karon is the American counterpart of British novelist Miss Read, who wrote the Fairacre and Thrush Green series of novels about village life in the Cotswolds.
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  1. I love those Jan Karon stories! She makes you feel right at home in Mitford.

  2. That sounds like my kind of place! Kylie (our oldest) used to work in a coffee shop that was affiliated with Colgate Uni in Hamilton, not far from here. She made all the coffee cups (she had a pottery business at the time) and helped paint and decorate the shop before it opened. She painted some neat murals on the walls.
    College students would purchase a cup and leave it there to use when they visited.
    It doesn't sound quite as cozy as that one you were at though, with the villagers congregating there on weekdays.
    My mouth is watering at the thought of pasties and rasberry tarts.....oh my...yum!!
    I love your picture :)
