Friday, October 05, 2007

A simple click to defeat breast cancer

Here’s an easy way to do a good deed for the day:

A single click on the pink button at will help disadvantaged women in the US get free mammograms. I checked, and according to (Internet Watchdog Site), the Breast Cancer Site provides one free mammogram for every 45,000 clicks (that’s about 1.3 mammogams a day on average). It is funded by corporate sponsors and has been in operation several years. You don’t have to supply any information, there are no pop-ups, you just click a button. If you have a minute, please give it a click.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Judy!
    I agree, it's easy and quick, and a great way to help. I click every day.
    Our weather has turned very cold and windy today after a little respite (from the rain and cooler temps) on Wednesday, which was beautiful. But my hubby had a doctor's appt. that day so it was mostly wasted, although we did enjoy the sunny drive through beautiful fall countryside.
