Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A young English Robin

This little English Robin posed very nicely for this shot, at the Centre For Alternative Technology in Machynlleth, Wales. Many thanks to Richard Bell of Wild West Yorkshire Nature Diary for identifying this little fellow.


  1. Hi Judith, I'm so glad I stopped by to see all these beautiful photographs. Lucky you to go traveling in the UK and Wales! Your photos have really captured the atmosphere, so that I feel like I've had a stroll in all those wonderful places.
    Being in that tea room must've been quite a treat! :)
    It's nice to see some of the UK birds.
    I hope you're enjoying the summer. It's much too short for me! We're having a chilly, rainy morning here. It feels like fall!

  2. No wonder that 'little song thrush' is looking a tad indignant, Judy; that's a juvenile robin, not a song thrush. This is our European robin of course, which is smaller than your song thrush-sized American version. The red breast comes through gradually and both the male and females it, since they both defend a territory.

    Sorry I missed you on your mini-tour of Britain, looks like you had a great time.

  3. I wondered! He didn't quite fit the description in my book, but was as close as I could get. Will change the title on my post as soon as we get power back. Hurricane Ike took out all our power last night so am texting from cell phone :-(.
