Sunday, May 23, 2010

On the Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

The Dingle Peninsula on the West Coast of Ireland is laced with pristine coves and dramatic cliffs and mountains along its edge.

The peninsula juts out into the Atlantic Ocean.

A lamb at the B&B where we're staying

This is Banshee. We stopped for tea and a scone at a cafe along Slea Head Drive, the road that loops around the peninsula. Banshee, the cafe dog, was pretty insistent about playing ball with us. When we were done playing, his owner said that he would be happy to pose for photos. She pointed to a rock, and he dashed right up, and sat and posed for us. You can probably find photos of Banshee like this elsewhere on the net--he'll pose for anyone who has played ball with him! He has even appeared in the Washington Post, his owner said. (See the 3rd photo in the Post's slideshow.)

Traffic jam outside Dingle Town

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