Tuesday, June 22, 2010

All her ducks in a row

Not the greatest shot, but all her ducks WERE in a row!
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  1. LOL, always wondered where this saying came from, now I have proof!

  2. ...but i can see them... and yea, they're all in a row... so it's a nice shot for me..(^^,)

    Good day!

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for droppin' by and for leaving a comment... i wanna apologize co'z i was unable to follow your blog yesterday... actually, i'm just using a broadband on my laptop and it suddenly timed out when i was about to add you on my list... i didn't try to connect again co'z i was so sleepy then... but now no more interruptions... all is well so i'm following you now... glad to have found you in here!!!:D

    Good day!!!:)

