Sunday, May 26, 2013

Every Day in May #26: Corkscrew

I can remember this strange gnomish corkscrew tucked in the top drawer of the mahogany buffet in our dining room when I was growing up.  When I went away to college, I found it among the box of kitchen things my parents sent with me, where it proceeded to open many a bottle of cheap wine.  Only in drawing it today, did I notice the word "Quebec" etched in the wood.  Vague memories resurfaced...of stories they once told about a trip to Quebec--how they stayed at the Hotel Frontenac in a hot room way up under the eaves, how they toured the countryside by car and visited the Basilica of St. Anne de Beaupre, where hundreds of abandoned crutches hung in the ceiling, and everywhere, the smell of hot bread baking in hillside ovens.  All this from a little corkscrew I rediscovered today in a drawer of our own dining room cupboard!
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1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how something can trigger long forgotten memories. Great drawing.
