
Friday, January 13, 2006

Hazelnut Catkins in January

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Sidney said...

Simple but beautiful. I didn't noticed Catkins could be so beautiful. Nice composition & contrast with the dark green in the distance.
I like this picture!

Anonymous said...

I like the perspective. They would also look at home in a butchers shop.

Judy Birmingham said...

Hahahahaha, garyx, thank you for pointing out that similarity. I hadn't thought of that before, but you're right!

Anonymous said...

I love the symmetry here - really gorgeous shot against the trees, too.

Anonymous said...

Very good shot, are this seeds?

Judy Birmingham said...

Regzgz, I believe the catkins are the flower of the hazelnut tree. They appear before the leaves come on, so the wind can help them pollinate. The nuts (filberts)are encased in a papery husk and develop from the reddish female catkins (male catkins are green).